
2024 Plant List

There will three plantings in 2024. All are infil plantings. 2 plating sites are along the creek down from Union Road towards the little bridge. The third planting site is below Delta street above the bush path.

2023 Plant List 

Below is the plant list for 2023 and the sites for Friends of South Surrey Park planting. Overall it is anticipated that there will be two plantings below the path off Delta Street, two plantings along Back Creek below Union Road and one planting behind the shops.


2022 Plant List

Below is the plant list for 2022 and the sites for Friends of South Surrey Park planting.

May, Verdun Street,

June and August Plantings, below Union Road both side of creek


2021 Plant List

Four plantings are again planned for 2021. Most of the plants will come from VINC, the Victorian Indigenous Nurseries Co-operative. 460 Lomandras will be supplied by GreenLink. 230 of these plants are for the May planting and 230 for the June planting. The National Tree Day plants are not listed below. These are supplied by the City of Boroondara. 


2020 Plant List 

The aim for the 2020 FSSP purchased plants has been to ensure that the plants are compatible with the bio-region classification of predominately valley grassy forest. In 2020 there will be four planting days with the City of Boroondara providing the plants for National Tree Day. These are the species the FSSP group expect to plant this year. The list from the previous years refers only to the plants purchased by the Friends Group and does not necessarily reflect the total plants for that year.

 50 correas (alba 7 reflexa) from 2019 cuttings taken in the park
 Spreading microlaena grass seeds collected in the park

VINC local biodiversity project planting
108 Bossiea prostrata
108 Kennedia prostrata
81 Pimelea humilis
10 Hardenbergia violacea
Plants ordered by City of Boroondara

VINC Plant Order
26 July 2020

South Surrey Z1 

Planting area
Botanical Name
Common Name

Bursaria spinosa var spinosa
Sweet Bursaria

Daviesia leptophylla
Narrow-leaf Bitter-pea

Indigofera australis
Austral Indigo

Olearia lirata
Snow Daisy-bush

Ozothamnus ferrugineus
Tree Everlasting


Grasses, Rushes, Sedges & Relatives

Austrodanthonia geniculata
Kneed Wallaby-grass

Austrostipa scabra ssp. Falcate
Slender Spear-grass

Lomandra filiformis ssp. Coriacea
Wattle Mat-rush

Lomandra longifolia
Spiny-headed Mat-rush


Herb Wildflowers

Arthropodium strictum

Chrysocephalum semipapposum
Clustered everlasting

Dianella admixta (revoluta)
Black-anther Flax-lily

Pelargonium australe
Common Rice Flower

Vittadinia cervicularis
Annual New Holland Daisy

Wahlenbergia communis
Tufted Bluebell

Xerochrysum viscosum
Shiny Everlasting


Ground Covers

Dichondra repens



2019 Plant List 

2018 Plant List 

2017 Plant List: September

2016 Plant List: June

2015 Plant List

Note: Delta refers to Delta St, NTD is National Tree Day, Biscotti is now Hills 20 cafe.

2014 Plant List: No records

2013 Plant List

Note: Biscotti is now Hills 20 cafe, NTD is National Tree Day, Scouts refers to Scout Hall, Qunice is near the flat table, Delta if Delta St.

2010 - 12 Plant List: No records 

2009 Plant List

2006 South Surrey Park Flora and Fauna Review

2004 Plant List: June

2002 Plant List: April

Below is a description of a variety of plants in South Surrey Park

Kangaroo Apple
Solanum Aviculare

Kangaroo Apples grow well in our park and can grow from seeds independently of us!   It is called Kangaroo Apple not because kangaroos eat the fruit but because the leaf shape is reminiscent of a kangaroo's paw! Flora of Melbourne tells us that Aborigines did apparently eat the fruit but only when it was very ripe.   They often placed them in sand heaps to ripen.

It is a decorative shrub which becomes straggly with age but is easily rejuvenated by pruning.  The flowers are an attractive purplish colour and seem to be visible for quite a long time.

Nodding or Climbing Saltbush
Einadia Nutans ssp nutans

This photo shows some Einadia nutans with berries sprawled across some Lomandra leaves and mingled with a Correa bush.   That is its habit, to grow under and over anything in its path.   When we first planted it in the park it behaved like a weed and we were concerned.   Darcy Duggan reassured us that this was only how it behaved in its early days and this has proved to be true.   This  is a new one growing near the big bridge.  Flora of Melbourne describes it as a "useful groundcover for dry banks and rockeries, drought resistant  once established.   It is also a valuable fire retardant.  Propagation is by cuttings"

Spiny Mat Rush
Lomandra Longifolia

Lomandra is a very hardy plant which grows in a variety of situations, particularly in sandy soil. Flora of Melbourne says that it requires well drained soils and tolerates dry shade. It is being used for road plantings in Victoria but is also a useful plant in a garden setting. Aborigines at Lake Condah and other places used the leaves to make baskets and eel traps. At Lake Tyers they are still making baskets from Lomandra leaves.
Seedlings are available at Greenlink.

Coast Banksia 
Banksia Integrifolia

Flora of Melbourne tells us that banksia nectar was used to make drinks by the Aborigines.   Paint brushes came from the stamens.  It is a small tree growing to between ten and twenty metres and is five to ten metres wide.   Flora of Melbourne describes it as "a sturdy ornamental windbreak with rough bark which can become gnarled and fissured with age."

Correa glabra 

Flora of Melbourne states that this is "a variable dense upright to spreading shrub" which is "an attractive, easily grown shrub, ideal as a low screen".   It is "tolerant of lime" and likes well drained soils. It can be grown in the garden, as it  grows happily in full sun and dappled shade.  It can be grown from cuttings and also pruned into a neat hedge for a more formal garden.

Eucalyptus radiata - Narrow Leafed Peppermint
Here is our Eucalyptus radiata mentioned by Dr Lorimer and another photograph from the Morwell State Park website of the flowers and leaves.

This tree is in the park below Anderson Street. Eucalyptus radiata is widespread in damp and valley sclerophyll forests, sclerophyll woodland and grassy, low open forests. It can grow up to 30 metres tall and is a graceful, upright tree which provides shade and shelter. (Flora of Melbourne).

A Melbourne pharmacist, James Bosisto was the first to commercially utilise eucalyptus leaves as oil in 1854. It has many uses, both medicinal and domestic. It is very good for removing the gum sticky labels leave behind.

Aboriginals used the leaves for medicine. I like this account by Dame Mary Gilmore. A steam bath was created by digging a pit and filling it with fire so that it became hot. The fire was removed and the pit lined with eucalyptus leaves. These were covered with possum rugs and the patient lay inside while the steam eased his rheumatism.



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