
Showing posts from April, 2011

Friends of South Surrey Park AGM 10 May 2011

2011 Annual General Meeting Date at time: 7:30  pm  Tuesday 10  May (Note one week earlier than previously advertised) Venue: Surrey  Hills  Neighbourhood  Centre  Cottage, Bedford  Avenue (Melway 46 H 11) Guest speaker:  Rob Ingram from Yarra Riverkeepers will discuss changing attitudes toward Melbourne’s iconic river. Staff from City of Boroondara and Melbourne Water will discuss Current and future plans for South Surrey Park and Back Creek. Stay  afterwards  for  free  drinks  and  bickies __________________________________________________________________________ NOMINATION FOR POSITION ON COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT 2011 I,..................................…….........(name), nominate.................…….........................(name) Seconded by..........................................................................………….....................(name) I accept this nomination.............

Friends Of South Surrey Park News – April 2011

Next working bee - Sunday 1 May 2011, 10 am to midday Bring family, friends and other willing workers Help weed and tidy the creekline below Union Road Wear sensible work clothes including sun hat, sturdy water-resistant footwear and workgloves, and bring a raincoat in case of forecast rain. Stay afterwards for free drinks, bickies and a chat. News On the last Sunday in November last year, ten keen volunteers threw off their post election hangovers to brave a mild morning between forecast occasional showers.  Congratulations to keen Sunday toiler Rob Clark re-elected with an increased margin. We mulched a new area to plant next year then collected several bags of weeds and litter from along the creek. That’s it for Sundays in 2010, but we’ll return on Sunday 1 May 2011, then the last Sunday monthly till November 2011. A week later four of us enjoyed the annual City of Boroondara Parks & Gardens joint Advisory Committee & Friends Group's Christ...